Power Up Sustainability: ICT’s Green Revolution

July 2024, by Mohamad Abou Zaki, CEO Emircom
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Key Takeaways

ICT departments are pivotal in driving corporate sustainability through energy-efficient hardware, virtualization, and power management tools like SEnergy. Focusing on network and data center operations, especially in regions like the UAE and Saudi Arabia, companies can significantly reduce their environmental footprint, align with regional sustainability initiatives, and enhance their corporate image.


As the global focus on sustainability intensifies, ICT departments find themselves at the forefront of shaping corporate environmental strategies. This is especially relevant in the Middle East, where countries like the UAE and Saudi Arabia are making remarkable strides towards sustainable development. ICT departments, with their extensive use of technology and data centers, hold a unique position in influencing sustainability outcomes. This article delves into how ICT departments can drive corporate sustainability goals, with a particular focus on network and data center operations.

The Role of ICT in Sustainability

Historical Context and Current Trends

Traditionally, the sustainability focus within ICT has been on areas like storage, server virtualization, and reducing data center floor space. These efforts have successfully addressed significant portions of enterprise sustainability goals. However, as these traditional areas become saturated with efficiency improvements, the spotlight is now shifting towards less obvious areas such as network infrastructure.

Network Sustainability

Making Sustainability a Network Issue

Despite the emphasis on storage and servers, network infrastructure remains a critical, yet often overlooked, area for sustainability improvements. Networks consume substantial energy, and as corporate boards increasingly link sustainability to executive compensation, network managers will need to prioritize sustainability.

Key Areas for Network Sustainability

  1. Network Hardware: Upgrading to energy-efficient hardware can yield substantial sustainability gains without altering network configurations. Transitioning to technologies like Wi-Fi 6, which requires new, more efficient routers and switches, offers an opportunity for phased hardware upgrades.
  2. Network Resource Sharing: Consolidating networks and sharing resources such as storage and processing power can reduce energy usage. A thorough review to identify redundant networks can help streamline operations and decrease waste.
  3. Network Virtualization: Moving business operations to the cloud reduces internal network energy consumption and hardware needs. Cloud services, like Microsoft 365, offer scalable solutions that minimize the environmental footprint of on-premises infrastructure.
  4. Sustainability Automation: Using network monitoring tools to track energy consumption and environmental conditions can drive automated sustainability measures, such as shutting down unused devices and scheduling energy-intensive tasks during off-peak hours.
  5. Energy Audits: Partnering with local utility companies for energy audits can uncover potential areas for energy and waste reduction. These audits can provide actionable insights into improving network energy efficiency.
  6. Alternate Energy Sources: Exploring green energy options from utility providers, such as wind, solar, and hydro power, can significantly reduce a company’s carbon footprint.
  7. Sustainability in RFPs: Including sustainability criteria in requests for proposals (RFPs) ensures that vendors align with the company’s environmental goals. This can drive industry-wide improvements in sustainability practices.
  8. Equipment Recycling: Establishing lifecycle management for network equipment, similar to practices for other IT assets, ensures that hardware is reused or recycled responsibly, reducing electronic waste.

Data-Driven Sustainability Challenges

AI, machine learning, data analytics, and supercomputing are integral to modern enterprises but come with substantial environmental costs. These technologies consume large amounts of energy and produce significant carbon emissions. Managing the environmental impact of data-driven operations is crucial for achieving sustainability goals.

Balancing Digital Transformation and Sustainability

To balance digital transformation with sustainability, CIOs and CDOs must adopt strategies that optimize the efficiency of data-intensive activities. This includes:

  • Green AI Initiatives: Developing and deploying energy-efficient algorithms and models.
  • Data Management: Implementing policies to manage data growth, such as regular data cleanups and efficient data storage practices.
  • Energy-Efficient Infrastructure: Investing in energy-efficient data centers and cloud services that use renewable energy sources.

Metering, Monitoring, and Managing Power Consumption

The Role of Power Management Tools

Power management tools like SEnergy play a critical role in enhancing the sustainability strategies of IT and facilities departments. These tools provide comprehensive monitoring, metering, and management capabilities that help organizations optimize their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint.

SEnergy and Its Impact

SEnergy offers real-time insights into power usage, enabling organizations to identify inefficiencies and take corrective actions. Here’s how SEnergy and similar tools contribute to sustainability:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of power consumption helps in identifying peak usage times and areas where energy is being wasted.
  2. Detailed Reporting: Generating detailed reports on energy usage patterns assists in making informed decisions about where to implement energy-saving measures.
  3. Automated Controls: Automated systems can adjust power settings based on usage patterns, ensuring that energy is conserved during low-demand periods.
  4. Predictive Maintenance: Monitoring tools can predict when equipment is likely to fail or become inefficient, allowing for timely maintenance or replacement.
  5. Sustainability Dashboards: Customizable dashboards provide a clear view of energy performance metrics, making it easier to track progress towards sustainability goals.
  6. Energy Audits and Benchmarking: Tools like SEnergy can facilitate energy audits and benchmarking against industry standards, identifying further opportunities for improvement.

Integrating Power Management into Sustainability Strategies

By integrating power management tools into their sustainability strategies, organizations can achieve significant energy savings and reduce their environmental impact. Here are some key steps to achieve this:

  1. Set Clear Goals: Establish clear energy reduction targets that align with overall sustainability objectives.
  2. Deploy Monitoring Tools: Implement comprehensive monitoring systems to gain visibility into energy usage across all operations.
  3. Analyze Data: Regularly analyze data from monitoring tools to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  4. Implement Efficiency Measures: Based on data insights, implement measures such as upgrading to energy-efficient equipment, optimizing HVAC systems, and improving lighting efficiency.
  5. Continuous Improvement: Continuously review and refine energy management practices to ensure ongoing improvements in sustainability performance.

Regional Context: Sustainability in the Middle East

UAE and Saudi Arabia’s Sustainability Initiatives

The UAE and Saudi Arabia have ambitious sustainability goals, including the UAE’s Vision 2021 and Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030. Both initiatives emphasize the importance of reducing carbon emissions and promoting green energy.

  • UAE: The UAE has launched several initiatives to promote sustainability in ICT, including smart city projects and investments in renewable energy. The Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 aims to provide 75% of Dubai’s energy from clean sources by 2050.
  • Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 includes goals to diversify the economy and reduce its dependence on oil. The kingdom is investing in large-scale renewable energy projects and promoting green technologies.

Corporate Examples

Several companies in the region are leading the way in ICT sustainability:

  • Etisalat: As a major telecommunications provider in the UAE, Etisalat has implemented green data centers and energy-efficient network infrastructure to reduce its environmental impact.
  • STC: Saudi Telecom Company (STC) has adopted various sustainability practices, including the use of renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies in its operations.

Recommendations for CIOs to Enhance Sustainability

CIOs play a crucial role in driving their organizations toward sustainability. Here are ten recommendations for CIOs to help their organizations contribute to overall sustainability goals:

  1. Adopt Green Data Centers: Transition to data centers that use renewable energy and implement energy-efficient cooling systems.
  2. Promote Virtualization: Increase the use of virtualization to reduce the number of physical servers and associated energy consumption.
  3. Implement Power Management Tools: Utilize tools like SEnergy to monitor and manage energy consumption effectively.
  4. Encourage Cloud Adoption: Move more business processes to the cloud, selecting providers that prioritize sustainability.
  5. Optimize Network Hardware: Regularly upgrade to energy-efficient network hardware to reduce power consumption.
  6. Leverage AI for Efficiency: Use AI and machine learning to optimize energy usage and predict maintenance needs.
  7. Set Sustainability KPIs: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for sustainability and integrate them into IT performance metrics.
  8. Conduct Regular Audits: Perform regular energy audits to identify and address inefficiencies.
  9. Foster a Culture of Sustainability: Educate and engage employees on the importance of sustainability and encourage eco-friendly practices.
  10. Collaborate with Vendors: Work with vendors and service providers to ensure they adhere to sustainability standards and practices.


ICT departments have a critical role in advancing corporate sustainability goals, particularly through network and data center operations. By focusing on energy-efficient hardware, resource sharing, virtualization, automation, and sustainable practices, companies can significantly reduce their environmental footprint. The Middle East, with its ambitious sustainability initiatives, provides a model for integrating ICT into broader environmental strategies. As the region continues to innovate and invest in green technologies, ICT departments must lead the charge in aligning digital transformation with sustainability.


Mohamad AbouZaki